Mayor Cantrell Names Keith J. LaGrange, Jr. as Director of Department Public Works



Mayor LaToya Cantrell announced today the decision to name Keith J. LaGrange, Jr., P.E., as the City's Director of the Department of Public Works (DPW). Mr. LaGrange, a licensed professional civil engineer, earned a Bachelor's of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of New Orleans. Mr. LaGrange currently serves as Director of the St. Bernard Parish Department of Public Works, where he oversees five divisions with more than 140 employees and manages a budget exceeding $30M annually. Mr. LaGrange will assume his role as Director of DPW on November 26, 2018.   

The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works is composed of five divisions with over 220 employees, and is responsible for maintaining approximately 1,547 miles of streets and 149 bridges in New Orleans. This system includes 68,000 catch basins and approximately 8,200,000 linear feet of drainage lines.

SOURCE: City of New Orleans

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