Louisiana Small and Emerging Businesses



LBJ Click for Today LBJBy Louisiana Economic Development

Get SEBD certified today!
The Louisiana Economic Development (LED) Small and Emerging Business Development (SEBD) program offers managerial and technical assistance tailored to small business owners. This certification provides support across various areas crucial to business growth, including: accounting, business planning, entrepreneurial training, human resources, industry-specific assistance, legal, and marketing.
LDEQ 1The SEBD program operates through dedicated partners who serve as intermediaries, helping to provide guidance and valuable resources that aid eligible participants in managing, sustaining, and expanding their businesses.
Young entrepreneurUpon becoming SEBD-certified, business owners meet with an intermediary who conducts a detailed assessment of their business, then develops a plan of action based on that business’s primary and most pressing needs. The program can help the SEBD-certified business owner address needs through training classes, one-on-one assistance, and SEBD roundtables.
The SEBD program offers a ten-year certification designed to assist small business owners in accessing ongoing support to bolster their business expertise and capabilities. The certification through the SEBD program comes at absolutely no cost to the business.
For the purposes of the SEBD program, a business that meets all criteria in this section is defined as a Small and Emerging Business:
  • Ownership and Control—At least fifty-one percent of the company is owned and controlled by one or more Small and Emerging Business Persons.
  • Principal Place of Business—The firm’s principal place of business is Louisiana.
  • Lawful Function—The company has been organized for profit to perform a lawful, commercially useful function.
  • Business Net Worth—The business’s net worth does not exceed $1.5 million.
  • Job Creation—An applicant firm anticipates creating new full-time jobs.
For the purposes of the SEBD program, a person who meets all criteria in this section is defined as a Small and Emerging Business Person:
  • Citizenship—The person is a United States citizen or legal resident.
  • Louisiana Residency—The person has been a Louisiana resident for at least one year.
  • Net Worth—At least fifty-one percent of the business is owned and controlled by persons who individually have a net worth of less than $400,000, excluding personal residence, business assets, and retirement accounts.
  • Full-Time Employment—Managing owners who claim Small and Emerging Business Person status must be full-time employees of the applicant firm (twenty or more hours per week).
For more information, contact Tatiana Bruce at 225-342-5663 or Tatiana.Bruce@la.gov; or Camille Campbell at 225-342-5534 or Camille.Campbell@la.gov.

About Louisiana Economic Development (LED)
Louisiana Economic Development is responsible for strengthening the state’s business environment and creating a more vibrant economy. It is the only state agency in the United States accredited by the International Economic Development Council, boasting award-winning programs like LED FastStart, a longtime national leader in customized workforce development. LED also supports a wide range of higher ed partnerships that Business Facilities magazine recently credited for Louisiana’s ranking as the Number One Tech Talent Pipeline in the United States. In 2023, LED attracted more than $25 billion of capital investment resulting in the creation of 19,000 potential new and retained jobs. Explore how LED cultivates jobs and economic opportunity for the people of Louisiana and employers of all sizes at OpportunityLouisiana.com.

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